TryHackme: Blue Walkthrough
Task 1: Recon After we've connected to the tryhackme network the first task is to enumerate the target. We use Nmap for scanning the target IP. Command Used : nmap -sS -Pn <target-ip> -sS : Scan using TCP SYN scan -Pn : Treats all host as online --skip host discovery Next we used a command to find the vulnerability on the target machine. Command Used : nmap --script vuln <target-ip> --script : Specify the --script option to choose your own scripts to execute by providing categories , script file names, or the name of directories full of scripts you wish to execute. vuln : These scripts check for known vulnerabilites and generally only report results if they are found. Below, we see that nmap is indicating the target may be vulnerable to ms17-010(on the left0 and we can verify this using metasploit. To start Metasploit use command "msfconsole" We start by simply doing a search for ms17-010 Here we use module 2 i.e. exploit/windows...