HackTheBox-Traceback Walkthrough

I started with scanning the IP Addr with nmap using the simple command.
Command Used: nmap IP Addr of machine -Pn 

nmap -Pn 
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2020-04-15 02:27 IST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.18s latency).
Not shown: 998 closed ports
22/tcp open  ssh
80/tcp open  http

Now only two things were in my mind and those were what should I enumerate first ssh or http.
SSH can only be bruteforced and this point and bruteforce on the online machine doesn't works or we can say that most online hosted machines are not made to be bruteforced. So, I started 
with HTTP.
I fired up directory burster to find juicy directories if any and mean while I decided to browse the IP Addr since HTTP Service is active and running.

I was presented with the below screen 

dirb was not able to find any directories but the hint was already on the screen presented in front of me.
Hint: This site has been owned , I have left a backdoor.
At this point I thought may be shell is deployed and I need to access that but again dirb was not giving any results.

Investigation of Source code gave me another hint and confirmation of shell deployement.

Hint: Some of the best web shells you might need.
I made the list of top web shells and again started fuzzing , still no luck then at the end I copied the same line mentioned in the page source and googled it.
I got one link of github consisting few web shells.

I again tried fuzzing the website with these shell names and this time I made it.
Command Used: dirb IP Addr /path to file containing web shell names/file.txt
Results: smevk.php was the shell deployed by the owner.
This was presented after opening the following URL: 

I was not having the password to access the web shell so I opened the github link again and investigated the web shell, Username and Password was present “admin:admin”

I logged in to the webshell presented with the following interface

which shows that current user is webadmin
so I decided to move into that user directory in web shell.So, I navigated to /home/webadmin

Then I navigated to /home/webadmin/.ssh 
There was authorized_keys file.
I tried something interesting which was I generated rsa keys on my local machine using ssh-keygen and replaced authorized keys on server with my keys.
Command Used: ssh-keygen in terminal of my local machine. 

Now deleted the server's auth keys and inserted mine.

Now , my public keys are on server and ssh-keygen has generated pair of keys which was pub and private.
now using private key I will try login in ssh using webadmin as username.

Command Used: ssh webadmin@ -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa (This is the path of private key generated using ssh-keygen)

now I was unable to access the sysadmin, so i read .bash_history and executed the commands as mentioned , also mentioned that sysadmin does not require any password.
Command Used: sudo -l 
Command Used: sudo -u sysadmin /home/sysadmin/luvit
Command Used: os.execute("/bin/bash")

Then navigated to /home/sysadmin and got the user flag 

Again read .bash_history inside sysadmin

So i just ran the same commands in which our input is echoed and after that if we read the 00-header file our input will be echoed  and if we login with ssh again 
Command Used: echo “cat /root/root.txt” >> /etc/update-motd.d/00-header
Command Used: cat /etc/update-motd.d/00-header
Login Again Using SSH: ssh webadmin@ -i id_rsa 
Root Flag will be presented

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