FourandSix:1 walkthrough
Scanning Phase
To know the IP of the target machine we have to scan the network on which target is connected in my case its my local network
Command to scan the local network : arp-scan --local
Victim IP :
Now proceeding in scanning phase using nmap
I enumerated info using nmap aggressive scan with ping sweep
Command : nmap -A -Pn
Results : nfs server is active so i tried to gain access to the server.
Gaining access to server as it is open
Command : showmount -e
Results : it has the content in /shared and open to everyone
Now i want to see the content of the server so i decided to make directory on my desktop named as Paras so that i can mount the content in this folder
Command : cd Desktop (to change my dir location to Desktop)
Command : mkdir Paras (to make new dir)
Command : mount -t nfs /root/Desktop/Paras
(to mount the content from shared to new dir i.e Paras which is located in /root/Desktop)
To confirm whether the content is copied in Paras or not i just navigate to Paras and list the contents.
Command : ls (to list the content of the dir)
Result : found 2 directories named USB and whoami and 1 .img file
Then i mounted .img file in USB folder to read the contents of the file
Command : mount USB-stick.img USB
Then after navigating to USB folder and on listing the contents i found image files in different formats .
Command : ls (to list the contents)
Result : found image files which are of no use to me
So finally mounted the content from server to whosmi folder present in Paras and explored the content further to get the flag
Command : mount -t nfs whoami
Result : i got few folders and one of them is root folder
After navigating to root folder i got the flag as proof.txt and obtained the flag
Command : cat proof.txt (to read the flag)