Hackme: 1 Walkthrough

Lab Environment

Attacker’s Machine : Linux kali 4.18.0-kali2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.18.10-2kali1 (2018-10-09) x86_64 GNU/Linux

Vulnerable Machine : Hackme: 1

Let’s start hacking and breach the security of this machine 

Scanning Phase :

Now let’s scan our local network to which attacking machine and the vulnerable machine is connected.
      Syntax used : arp-scan --local
                  Victim machine:

Enumeration Phase :

I used Nmap for further enumeration of ports and it’s services.
Syntax Used: nmap -A -Pn 

I found HTTP service on port 80. So, I tried to visit the webpage if I can get something useful.
Found LoginPage.

Now, It’s time to signup for the account.

Logged in using the username and password.

Entered the search term paras to capture the request in burp.

Saved the above request in text file as sql.txt and saved to Desktop and using sqlmap to extract the database.
Command  Used: sqlmap -r /root/Desktop/sql.txt --dbs --batch

Below are the databases 

Further extracting tables from database(webapphacking).
Command Used: sqlmap -r /root/Desktop/sql.txt -D webapphacking --dump-all --batch

Below is the dump containing username as superadmin and a password in hash 

Using MD5 Decryption to crack password.
Password Found: Uncrackable

 Trying to login using username as superadmin and password as Uncrackable.

There’s a upload functionality.

So created a php reverse shell to get a reverse connection.

Uploaded a php shell named as 1shell.php

Enumerated the directories to know where the file is uploaded.

Browsed the /uploads directory, and clicked on the .php shell to execute and simultaneously
Opened the netcat listener.
Command Used: nc -lvp 1337

Searching for the suid enabled binaries to escape the low privilege shell.
Command Used: find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null

Found some results.

Browsed the /home/legacy directory and executed the file(touchmenot) and got root.

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