Android 4 Walkthrough
Lab Environment
Attacker's Machine - Linux kali 4.18.0-kali1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.18.6-1kali1 (2018-09-10) x86_64 GNU/Linux
Vulnerable Machine - Android 4
Proof Of Concept
Scanning Phase
arp-scan --local (to scan for the machines connected to the network)
vulnerable machine IP -
Now i will use nmap for further scanning the machine's IP
nmap -p- -A -Pn
Now i tried to access the IP on port 8080
In nmap scan we got result of dropbear which is used for connection with client and server
So i used adb for that to get connected to the server
I installed adb by simply apt-get install adb
Now fired up msfconsole and searched for adb and got one exploit to get the connection from server
Used that exploit :
Syntax used : use exploitname
Exploring the requirements for exploit to run
Fulfilled the requirements as follows and simply run the exploit by typing run
Now connecting adb to the target server and exploiting adb after it gets connected
To connect adb : adb connect targetip:port
adb shell
I.e adb connect
adb shell
It will give access to shell of the machine
Now swtiching user to root by typing su
Now on exploring the files i navigated through cd /data and then cd root
Then i got flag in root and simply read it by cat flag.txt