Covfefe: 1 Walkthrough
Lab Environment
Attacker’s Machine : Linux kali 4.18.0-kali2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.18.10-2kali1 (2018-10-09) x86_64 GNU/Linux
Vulnerable Machine : Covfefe: 1
Let’s start hacking and breach the security of this machine
Scanning Phase : Let’s start with knowing our attacking machine’s ip
Syntax used : ifconfig
Results :
Now let’s scan our local network to which attacking machine and vulnerable machine is connected.
Syntax used : arp-scan --local
Enumeration Phase : Now using nmap to scan the services running on ports .
Syntax used : nmap -p- -A -Pn
Results : http service is running on port 80 and 31337
Now browsing ip in desired browser to see the webpage on port 80
Browsing on port 31337 we found nothing .
Finally we fired dirb to list the directories on port 31337
Tried opening robots.txt and we got 3 disallowed entries on opening one of them we got our first flag
Url :
Now opening another directory listed in robots.txt ie .ssh
Url :
Results : id_rsa , authorized_keys ,
Downloaded id_rsa and authorized_keys
Now opened the authorized_keys file and we got username for ssh login
Now tried to login ssh with id_rsa and username
But no use it again asked us for passphrase which we don’t have
Now generating rsa file for john with id_rsa so that we can get our passphrase
Now cracking password with john
Syntax used : zcat /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt.gz | john --pipe --rules rsacrack
Results : starwars
Now entered starwars as passphrase we successfully get entered to the target machine remotely
Now we are not able to read the flag file
Now we tried to find the files which we can access to take root of the machine
Syntax used : find / -perm -4000 2>/dev/null
And we saw one file i.e read_message which is taking user input and interacting .
So tried this to take root , but failed
We have one .c file which we can read by doing cat read_message.c
Results : we found that at 21st byte buffer will take place
So we triggered buffer to overflow by giving input as SimonAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/bin/sh in read_message prompt
Results : and got root finally
Finally read the flag.txt and it’s done !!